Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 17 Jun 2013)
- Build from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9869.
- Provide a new PuTTY Configuration option, 'Keyboard has two Alt keys, but no AltGr' to correct problems with two Alt key keyboards e.g. the US standard PC keyboard has problems with emacs. With this option off, i.e. default, keyboard properties are just the same as Simon's original PuTTY. Also provide context-sensitive help for the option. Reference:
PuTTY wish right-alt.
- Review and tidy patches.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 1 Jun 2013).
Xming (Released 12 Jun 2013)
- Update Pthreads-Win32 and FreeType2 from their project git repositories, and the xserver, glxinfo, libX11, libxcb, libXdmcp, libXext, libXfixes, libXi, libXinerama, libXmu, libXpm, libXrandr, libXrender, libXt, libXtst, Mesa, pixman, xclipboard, xhost, xkeyboard-config and xrandr from X.Org git. Includes the fixes in the
X.Org Security Advisory: May 23, 2013.
- Patch some 64-bit changes into xserver/hw/xwin for review and test prior to being pulled into X.Org git master (thanks to Jon Turney).
- Remove the unnecessary restriction on the number of possible automatic display-number allocations by XLaunch (the X protocol allows display-numbers 0 to 59535 inclusive: you will probably run out of resources if you try to start concurrent instances for all of them
- Normalize the format of FatalError logging reports.
- Don't compile the old FreeType CFF hinting engine into the FreeType2 library.
- Update the OpenGL extension headers and specifications from the canonical
OpenGL Registry for use in the X server build.
- Build both Plink(s) from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9846.
- Xming (Released 12 May 2013).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 1 Jun 2013)
- Build from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9846.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 11 Mar 2013).
Xming (Released 12 May 2013)
- Update FreeType2 from its project git repository, zlib to release 1.2.8, and the xserver, bitmap, libfontenc, libX11, libXau, libXaw, libXi, libXpm, Mesa, pixman, xeyes, xkeyboard-config and xrandr from X.Org git.
- Supply libXfixes-3.dll in the installer (now needed by libXi).
- Fix a potential crash at startup in winMouseProc() (thanks to Yaakov Selkowitz).
- Remove many unused-but-set variables in the xserver (thanks to Jon Turney).
- Tidy the OS and WoW64 detection code just to output all supported Windows versions to the log (now correctly detects Server 2012). The Xming installer prevents installation on unsupported versions so this code can simply log those 'OS: Windows Version X.Y (not supported)' if Xming is kludged to run on them!
- Activate the new Adobe CFF hinting engine in FreeType2.
- Make the package version consistent throughout libGL.
- Update the OpenGL extension headers and specifications from the canonical
OpenGL Registry for use in the X server build.
- Increase the automatic display-number allocation in XLaunch from twenty to fifty possible instances.
- Tidy the installer provided 'Xming Website' link for Xming's Windows Start menu entry.
- Build both Plink(s) from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9840.
- Update bison to release 2.7.1 in the build toolchain.
- Xming (Released 31 Mar 2013).
Xming (Released 31 Mar 2013)
- Update Pthreads-Win32 and FreeType2 from their project git repositories, and the xserver, libfontenc, libX11, libXi, Mesa, pixman, xauth, xhost, xkeyboard-config, xkill, xlsatoms, xrandr and xset from X.Org git.
- Fix a missing title bar icon fault in -multiwindow mode (first appeared in
- When running a program on Windows XP: a MessageBox will not appear (and other quirks) if you haven't called InitCommonControls(), when version 6.0 Common Controls (comctl32.dll) is enabled via a manifest. Code affected: both Plink(s), follow, font-dirs and run.
- Build both Plink(s) from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9794.
- Xming (Released 16 Feb 2013).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 11 Mar 2013)
- Build from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9772.
- Call InitCommonControls(), in Plink, to avoid missing MessageBoxes with Windows XP when using a manifest.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 9 Feb 2013).
Xming (Released 16 Feb 2013)
- Update FreeType2 from its project git repository, and the xserver, appres, glxinfo, libSM, libX11, libXau, libXaw, libXdmcp, libXi, libXmu, libXt, libxtrans, Mesa, mkfontscale, pixman, setxkbmap, twm, xauth, xdpyinfo, xev, xfontsel, xhost, xkeyboard-config, xlsclients, xprop, xrandr, xset, xsetroot and xwininfo from X.Org git.
- The X protocol display-name is structured hostname:display-number.screen-number. When starting Xming, with the colon option, only the display-number is needed. Entering the screen-number as well, i.e. :display-number.screen-number, confused some code that should have just ignored it. Note: screens can be specified using -screen options when starting the X server.
- Build both Plink(s) from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9754.
- Update the OpenGL extension headers and specifications from the canonical
OpenGL Registry for use in the X server build.
- More minor patch tidies to the xserver.
- Build the installer using
Inno Setup at release 5.5.3-unicode and update the install/uninstall documentation.
- Xming (Released 7 Jan 2013).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 9 Feb 2013)
- Build from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9754.
- Build the installer using
Inno Setup at release 5.5.3-unicode.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 5 Jan 2013).
Xming (Released 7 Jan 2013)
- Update Pthreads-Win32 and FreeType2 from their project git repositories, and the xserver, ico, libX11, libXau, libXfont, libXi, Mesa, pixman, xkeyboard-config and xrandr from X.Org git.
- Correctly fix a free() crash in the xserver caused by RT_NONE type resources in the Xext/xres.c function ResFindAllRes() (test with a remote xrestop). References:
fd.o bugzilla #57448 and changes.
- Show messages about extensions that can't be disabled, or aren't recognized, in Xming initialization (before the log file is open).
- Build both Plink(s) from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9735.
- Correct include paths to en_US.UTF-8/Compose in eight locale Compose files.
- Correct five precedence errors in plink/sshbn.c.
- Update bison to release 2.7 in the build toolchain.
- Edit in the New Year everywhere it's needed.
- Xming (Released 4 Dec 2012).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 5 Jan 2013)
- Build from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9735.
- Correct five precedence errors in sshbn.c.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 3 Dec 2012).
Xming (Released 4 Dec 2012)
- Update FreeType2 from its project git repository, and the xserver, libXt, Mesa, pixman and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- Revert change: 'Fix a free() crash in the xserver...', as one cause of the problem has now been fixed in randr/randr.c by X.Org but more investigation is now needed. (finally fixed in
- Revert change: 'Code the antidote to WM_CHANGE_STATE ...', as it can prevent minimized child windows staying minimized in -multiwindow mode. The original fix was for a marginal case that can be ignored.
- Revert change: 'Stop assuming WS_EX_APPWINDOW style in WM_SHOWWINDOW', as it caused many newly opened client windows to be missing from the taskbar.
- Build both Plink(s) from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9718.
- Minor patch tidies to the xserver following an extensive code review.
- Xming (Released 20 Nov 2012).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 3 Dec 2012)
- Build from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9718.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 12 Nov 2012).
Xming (Released 20 Nov 2012)
- Update FreeType2 from its project git repository, and the xserver, Mesa, pixman and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- I've reverted XLaunch being built with MinGW-w64 while I investigate libstdc++ wide-character function quirks with the new toolchain (e.g. g++ compiling _wfopen). XLaunch was sometimes displaying bogus or corrupted dialogs in
- Build libXpm, libxkbfile, libfontenc and libXfont with MinGW-w64.
- Adjust a few xserver patches to suit compilation with both MinGW and MinGW-w64 (some of these are from Yaakov Selkowitz).
- Stop assuming WS_EX_APPWINDOW style in WM_SHOWWINDOW. (reverted in
- Report any fatal error message in the fatal error MessageBox dialog (thanks to Jon Turney).
- Don't log all fbConfigs and GL/WGL extensions, unless verbose logging is requested. Log the number of pixelFormats which gave rise to the fbConfigs. (thanks to Jon Turney)
- Build both Plink(s) from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9710.
- Minor tidying of Xming installer component and XLaunch 'Additional parameters' selection labels.
- Xming (Released 13 Nov 2012).
Xming (Released 13 Nov 2012)
- Update Pthreads-Win32 and FreeType2 from their project git repositories, and the xserver, libX11, libXaw, libxcb, Mesa, pixman, xkbcomp and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- Build a new cross-compiler toolchain from the MinGW-w64 project. x86 binaries will now start being supplied built with this chain (gcc release 4.7.2, binutils and mingw-w64 stable v2.x SVN 5450). These are migrated from this release: both Plink(s), both XLaunch(s), follow, font-dirs, zlib, Pthreads-Win32, FreeType2, pixman, libXdmcp, libXau and libX11. Note: sjlj has to replace dw2 exception handling when using MinGW-w64 and one consequence is that the code is slightly larger.
- Supply an alternative Aero-style Wizard version of XLaunch in the installer. This only works with version 6.0 Common Controls (comctl32.dll) and Vista onwards.
- Restore the keyboard focus after using XPing and Reset in XLaunch 'XDMCP settings' (F1 help was failing to always respond).
- Add help for the 'Host Finder', option -find, to the XLaunch wizard.
- Build both Plink(s) from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9703.
- Add a manifest resource to follow, font-dirs and run.
- Clarify the Xming installer options. The component names have been changed in installer help to match.
- Update bison to release 2.6.5 in the build toolchain.
- Xming (Released 12 Oct 2012).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 12 Nov 2012)
- Build from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9703.
- Build the code with a
MinGW-w64 project cross-compiler toolchain.
- Hide the console window when displaying usage help in Plink.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 12 Oct 2012).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 12 Oct 2012)
- Build from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9687.
- Build the installer using
Inno Setup at release 5.5.2-unicode.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 1 Oct 2012).
Xming (Released 12 Oct 2012)
- Update the FreeType2 project from its git repository, and the xserver, glxgears, libxcb, Mesa, pixman, xkeyboard-config and xwininfo from X.Org git.
- Sanitise the new bit-fields in dixstruct.h for struct _Client to be all unsigned.
- Various patches, to the xserver, from Freedesktop Bugzillas 49166, 53897, 54013 and 55785.
- Build both Plink(s) from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9687.
- Update the OpenGL extension headers and specifications from the canonical
OpenGL Registry for use in the X server build.
- Define _WIN32_IE=0x0600 in all builds as some MinGW headers can skip useful w32api changes for XP onwards if it is too old.
- Build the installer using
Inno Setup at release 5.5.2-unicode.
- Xming (Released 17 Sep 2012).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 1 Oct 2012)
- Build from PuTTY project SVN source at revision 9678.
- Define _WIN32_IE=0x0600 in the makefile as some MinGW headers can skip useful w32api changes for XP onwards if it is too old.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 10 Sep 2012).
Xming (Released 17 Sep 2012)
- Update the Pthreads-Win32 project from its CVS and the FreeType2 project from its git repository, and the xserver, libxcb, libXfont, libXrandr, Mesa, pixman, xkeyboard-config, xrandr and xwininfo from X.Org git.
- Code the antidote to WM_CHANGE_STATE (which minimizes a window) so that top-level window state restore can occur in -multiwindow mode (test with Perl/Tk clients using Tk::Wm methods iconify and deiconify). (reverted in
- Use strncpy(), not strcpy(), for copying class hint, in winMultiWindowGetClassHint(), to prevent a possible buffer overrun. As the original code was taken from XGetClassHint(), in libX11, this has been changed as well (from an idea by Marc Haesen, some
Java clients don't NULL terminate the WM_CLASS string as mandated by the ICCCM).
- Don't spam MotionNotify events, by calling winEnqueueMotion(), when the mouse hasn't moved (test with xev -root after mouse polling has started).
- Flush glx context when being made non-current due to drawable going away. Fixes indirect rendering glean test GLXBadCurrentWindow failures e.g. glean -t 'fpexceptions getString' (thanks to Jon Turney).
- Enable the screen saver extension in the xserver build.
- Build both Plink(s) from PuTTY project SVN source as of 9 Sep 2012.
- Disambiguate the Plink login username or passphrase/password dialog text. Also if prompted for a username, by Plink, a blank entry or name containing space is rejected.
- Xming (Released 18 Aug 2012).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 10 Sep 2012)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project SVN as of 9 Sep 2012.
- Disambiguate the Plink login username or passphrase/password dialog text. Also if prompted for a username, by Plink, a blank entry or name containing space is rejected.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 18 Aug 2012).
Xming (Released 18 Aug 2012)
- Update the Pthreads-Win32 project from its CVS and the FreeType2 project from its git repository, and the xserver, Mesa, pixman and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- Conduct a major patch and website review.
- Revert some threading changes I made in, to match OSX, that are not needed.
- Revert to a flag guarded free() in winGenerateAuthorization(). This change was introduced by accident in release and luckily did not cause problems.
- Build both Plink(s), for the Xming installer, from PuTTY project SVN source as of 18 Aug 2012.
- Only use SSH version 2 with Plink and ssh in XLaunch.
- Remove the old self-test from XLaunch (triggered by tags Program="testplink" + PW="test"): it was too simplistic. Replace with a new debug method triggered by adding tag DebugPlink="true" to any existing .xlaunch file that uses Plink. This should help diagnose silent XLaunch quits (bad clients, typos etc.). With DebugPlink: XLaunch will report Plink's stdout/stderr messages on a console and option -v can be used to give verbose Plink messages when it is set in tag ExtraSSH.
- Update bison to release 2.6.2 in the build toolchain.
- Update the OpenGL extension headers and specifications from the canonical
OpenGL Registry for use in the X server build.
- Xming (Released 1 Aug 2012).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 18 Aug 2012)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project SVN as of 18 Aug 2012.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 30 Jul 2012).
Xming (Released 1 Aug 2012)
- Update the FreeType2 project from its git repository, and the xserver, libXext, libXrandr, libXt, Mesa and pixman from X.Org git.
- Fix a crash at xserver regeneration with release extensions should only be initialised once!
- Build both Plink(s), for the Xming installer, from PuTTY project SVN source as of 30 Jul 2012.
- Update and add to the Plink patches, for MinGW cross-compilation, to match Simon Tatham's new methods for preventing sensitive data being left in memory after use.
- AIGLX (option -wgl) is no longer beta.
- Update bison to release 2.6.1 in the build toolchain.
- Xming (Released 22 Jul 2012).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 30 Jul 2012)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project SVN as of 30 Jul 2012.
- Add the missing MinGW macro function SecureZeroMemory() and use it to prevent sensitive data being left in memory after use (thanks to Simon Tatham's new methods). This function has to carefully coded to stop the compiler optimizing it away when used before freeing something or going out of scope.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 21 Jul 2012).
Xming (Released 22 Jul 2012 and withdrawn)
- Update the FreeType2 project from its git repository, and the xserver, glxgears, libX11, Mesa, pixman and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- Fix a free() crash in the xserver caused by an out-by-one error in the Xext/xres.c function ResFindAllRes(). (this worked but it is correctly fixed in
- Simplify the free() calls in winClipboardFlushXEvents() and generally sanitise that function. I've had reports that these changes have fixed some users' elusive -clipboard quirks.
- Don't register two different XINERAMA extensions (thanks to Jon Turney).
- Simplify the PseudoramiXExtensionInit() prototype to match other extension init()s.
- Don't cast void* returns from calloc, malloc and realloc in xserver/hw/xwin. Also using sizeof(char) is embarrassing!
- The equivalent of build option --enable-malloc0returnsnull had crept into some library builds. Autotools should never 'decide' to define MALLOC_0_RETURNS_NULL when cross-compiling X.Org code for Windows.
- Implement the missing patch for libX11 from
fd.o bugzilla #29561. The libxcb part has already been officially incorporated.
- Build both Plink(s), for the Xming installer, from PuTTY project SVN source as of 20 Jul 2012.
- Update bison to release 2.6 in the build toolchain.
- Build the installer using
Inno Setup at release 5.5.1-unicode.
- Xming (Released 8 Jul 2012).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 21 Jul 2012)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project SVN as of 20 Jul 2012.
- Build the installer using
Inno Setup at release 5.5.1-unicode.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 24 Jun 2012).
Xming (Released 8 Jul 2012)
- Update the FreeType2 project from its git repository, and the xserver, Mesa, pixman, xev and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- With MinGW use _commit() instead of the missing POSIX function fsync() to flush the log to storage (new xserver/os/log.c code).
- Remove unchecked XGetAtomName() calls used for collection of normally unused debug data in the xserver -clipboard events handler. Fixes occasional malloc/free heap failures.
- Don't report the unsupported GLX_INTEL_swap_event extension for indirect swrast (thanks to Jon Turney).
- Use libX11's string converter functions in preference to MS ones, in it, and libXaw.
- Xming (Released 25 Jun 2012).
Xming (Released 25 Jun 2012)
- Update the FreeType2 project from its git repository, and the xserver, bitmap, ico, Mesa, pixman, xfontsel and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- Allow the -from 'local-address' option to change the local-address bound by the xserver (i.e. from the default of for IPv4). This works is all modes, not just XDMCP where the -from option is traditionally used, but currently only with inet, not inet6.
- Don't make the 'event' local variable static in mieqProcessInputEvents(), it could break re-entrancy.
- Add locking to make mieq thread safe (the same as in OSX).
- Wait for the xserver to finish initializing before letting other threads mieqEnqueue() (the same as in OSX).
- Try to prevent the option "Pin this program to taskbar" being available for processes not started sw_hide from Xmingrc, as they may not work the same way standalone without an xserver.
- Sanitise the titles of console windows started from Xmingrc.
- In order to use pthreads correctly don't link thread stubs into libX11, ouch!
- Enable the new ClearType bytecode in FreeType2 (tt_config_option_bytecode_interpreter + tt_config_option_subpixel_hinting).
- Build both Plink(s), for the Xming installer, from PuTTY project SVN source as of 21 Jun 2012.
- Update bison to release 2.5.1 in the build toolchain.
- Build the installer using
Inno Setup at release 5.5.0-unicode.
- Update the OpenGL extension headers and specifications from the canonical
OpenGL Registry for use in the X server build. Note: the canonical gl.spec is now at odds with the Mesa code for the EdgeFlagv() function.
- Xming (Released 29 May 2012).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 24 Jun 2012)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project SVN as of 21 Jun 2012.
- Build the installer using
Inno Setup at release 5.5.0-unicode.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 29 May 2012).
Xming (Released 29 May 2012)
- Update the Pthreads-Win32 project from its CVS, and the xserver, libX11, libXaw, Mesa, pixman and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- Handle MappingNotify events in the xserver -clipboard and sanitise the clipboard's X output buffer flushing.
- Don't use memcpy in fbBlt() on overlapping ranges.
- Enclose localhost's IPv6 literal address within square brackets in the xserver and XLaunch.
- Enable pthreads use in pixman's build, as it used to be, to avoid a memory leak using the pixman compiler macros for MinGW.
- Build both Plink(s), for the Xming installer, from PuTTY project SVN source as of 29 May 2012.
- Be consistent with the VarFileInfo Translation resource across the project.
- Xming (Released 13 May 2012).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 29 May 2012)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project SVN as of 29 May 2012.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 27 Apr 2012).
Xming (Released 13 May 2012)
- Update the FreeType2 project from its git repository, zlib to release 1.2.7, and the xserver, libfontenc, libX11, libXau, libXext, libXi, libXtst, Mesa, pixman, xfontsel, xkeyboard-config, xlsfonts, xmodmap and xrandr from X.Org git.
- Use the native Windows CryptoAPI for SHA1, removing the use of XySSL wrapping cryptogams from the xserver build (thanks to Yaakov Selkowitz).
- The big icon resource was not being set in XLaunch (for use by the taskbar, Alt+Tab etc); only the small one. Also add it to the About XLaunch window.
- Remove the -core option (it's useless in Windows!) and tidy the -terminate option (-once is better in XDMCP mode) for Xming -help.
- Build both Plink(s), for the Xming installer, from PuTTY project SVN source as of 25 Apr 2012.
- Update the OpenGL extension headers and specifications from the canonical
OpenGL Registry for use in the X server build.
- Xming (Released 14 Apr 2012).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 27 Apr 2012)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project SVN as of 25 Apr 2012.
- Simon Tatham posted a change that fixed Rlogin protocol connections (broken in
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 24 Apr 2012).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 24 Apr 2012)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project SVN as of 24 Apr 2012.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 11 Dec 2011).
Xming-fonts (Public domain release 15 Apr 2012)
- No changes to the fonts: so there is no need to update if you have the previous release installed.
- Add an UninstallDisplayIcon entry to the installer script (for use by 'Control Panel/Programs and Features' in Windows).
- Build the installer using
Inno Setup at release 5.4.3-unicode.
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 28 Feb 2011).
Xming (Released 14 Apr 2012)
- Update the FreeType2 project from its git repository, and the xserver, libxcb, libXi, Mesa, pixman, xkeyboard-config and xrandr from X.Org git. The X.Org coding style monster change is included in the xserver.
- Make winOverrideIcon() thread-safe for icon data access (fixed up from patches by Jon Turney).
- If a -multiwindow mode window has had its taskbar button removed via the COM library: disable its minimize button to prevent it becoming unmanageable.
- Handle _NET_WM_STATE_SKIP_TASKBAR hints in -multiwindow mode (thanks to Jon Turney).
- Enable the appending of remote machine names to client Windows' titles with a new option, -hostintitle, in -multiwindow mode (thanks to Jon Turney).
- Register all native screens with PseudoramiX in -multimonitor mode, unless Xinerama is enabled (from the XQuartz project). This fake Xinerama data allows Xinerama aware X clients to correctly place their windows so they don't get split between monitors.
- De-clutter and tidy the Xming log file and -help. Also don't log the fbConfigs table in -wgl mode.
- Recover a few readability issues in the xserver/hw/xwin code introduced by X.Org's auto-whitespace mangler.
- Add an 'About XLaunch' button to XLaunch and make its Windows titles more taskbar friendly. Also validate a .xlaunch file's namespace attributes before loading it.
- Update the OpenGL extension headers and specifications from the canonical
OpenGL Registry for use in the X server build.
- Xming (Released 25 Mar 2012).
Xming (Released 25 Mar 2012)
- Update the Pthreads-Win32 project from its CVS and the FreeType2 project from its git repository, and the xserver, libX11, libXaw, libxcb, libXi, libXt, listres, Mesa, pixman, xev, xhost, xkeyboard-config and xprop from X.Org git.
- Refine the auto-hide taskbar work area adjustments for multiple monitors.
- If the Window's clipboard doesn't take the data placed on it: free the allocated global buffer. Also initialise the -clipboard buffer contents to zero.
- Make the clip copying from an X window to Windows more responsive.
- Minor tidying of -clipboard error messages and limit log spam from its error handler to just 6 messages.
- Supply X.Org clients xclipboard and xcutsel in Xming installer Tools and clients.
- Update the OpenGL extension headers and specifications from the canonical
OpenGL Registry for use in the X server build.
- Xming (Released 12 Feb 2012).
Xming (Released 12 Feb 2012)
- Update the FreeType2 project from its git repository, zlib to release 1.2.6, and the xserver, bitmap, libX11, libXi, Mesa, pixman, xkbcomp and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- Restore the xserver cursor to 'always visible', unless using option -nocursor, as it was prior to
- Extend mouse wheel events to match other DDX's and remove a redundant call to miPointerSetPosition() (both in hw/xwin/winmouse.c).
- If the native GL renderer is the 'GDI Generic' renderer, don't use it. It's not accelerated and Mesa software rendering is then a better bet for conformance and performance (thanks to Jon Turney).
- Avoid WIN_WINDOW_PROP races during Windows window destruction (thanks to Jon Turney).
- Restore modifier key state when an X window gains focus (thanks to Oliver Schmidt).
- Add Windows 8 to the list of Windows versions we know about.
- File wintaskbar.cpp has been changed to c code, with no change in function. The code is a little messier but the build is a lot simpler and the binary smaller without libstdc++ linkage. Note: the Mesa library MinGW build still successfully mixes c and c++ code.
- Minor patch tidies to suit changes in xserver/hw/xwin.
- The minimum version of Windows supported is NT 5.1. Correct all Inno Setup installer MinVersion entries from 0,5.01 to 0,5.1
- Update the OpenGL extension headers and specifications from the canonical
OpenGL Registry for use in the X server build.
- Xming (Released 13 Jan 2012).
Xming (Released 13 Jan 2012)
- Update the FreeType2 project from its git repository, and the xserver, libX11, libxcb, libXi, libXt, Mesa, pixman and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- I've had a report of a XDMCP mode freeze with the Windows screensaver (I couldn't reproduce it). This change fixes the problem for that user: discard WM_DISPLAYCHANGE messages that have no bpp. Trim an excess of E_NOTIMPL log errors from DirectDraw4 when the Windows screensaver is active.
- Initialize the mode key states only after the keyboard device has started in the xserver (e.g. the NumLock enabled state was sometimes erratic with XDMCP greeters).
- RANDR resize was missing in Xming one window mode, with option -resize, when the window was maximized or restored.
- When an existing configuration file is being used by XLaunch: use its name as default instead of config.xlaunch. Also 'delete []' some arrays allocated 'new', i.e. fix some XLaunch memory leaks, mainly in error paths.
- Update the OpenGL extension headers and specifications from the canonical
OpenGL Registry for use in the X server build.
- Build the installer using
Inno Setup at release 5.4.3-unicode.
- Edit in the New Year everywhere it's needed.
- Xming (Released 12 Dec 2011).
Xming (Released 12 Dec 2011)
- Update the FreeType2 project from its git repository, and the xserver, glxinfo, libICE, libSM, libX11, libxkbfile, libXpm, Mesa, xkbcomp, xkeyboard-config and xmodmap from X.Org git.
- Fix a missing mouse events bug when the main display is not leftmost with multimonitors.
- On 'Save', from the XLaunch 'Save configuration' dialog, append .xlaunch to the file name when the user didn't enter a valid file extension.
- Add option -resize to the [Run] and [Icons] defaults in the Xming installer.
- Minor patch tidies to the xserver.
- Build both Plink(s) from PuTTY project release 0.62.
- Build using binutils 2.22. Also catch up with mingw CVS (28 Nov 2011) for the cross-compiler toolchain.
- Xming (Released 12 Nov 2011).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 11 Dec 2011)
- Build from PuTTY project release 0.62 (10 Dec 2011).
- Fix a few memory and file handle leaks (mainly in error-paths).
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 11 Sep 2011).
Xming (Released 12 Nov 2011)
- Update Mesa from X.Org git.
- Fix a crash on xserver shutdown that evaded tests on!
- Xming (Released 12 Nov 2011).
Xming (Released 12 Nov 2011 and withdrawn)
- Update the FreeType2 project from its git repository, and the xserver, bitmap, glxinfo, libICE, libX11, libXau, libXaw, libXext, libXfont, libXi, libXinerama, libxkbfile, libXmu, libXpm, libXt, libxtrans, libXtst, Mesa, mkfontscale, oclock, pixman, xauth, xclock, xkbcomp, xkeyboard-config, xrandr and xwininfo from X.Org git.
- This xkeyboard-config
change is no longer being reverted. The shift-function key problem, that forced the reversion, appears to be fixed.
- Fix a libxcb error in releases since XOpenDisplay() was failing for clients using -display (or the DISPLAY variable) with no hostname. The no hostname case now connects again as localhost.
- Don't use the return value from EnumDisplayMonitors() as it can return zero when providing valid data. This partially reverts a recent xserver change.
- Handle more motif window decoration hinting (thanks to Jon Turney).
- Fix AltGr key sometimes firing an additional Ctrl-L key (thanks to Jon Turney).
- Fix error-path memory leaks in winInitWM() and an error-path double free in winQueryRGBBitsAndMasks() (thanks to Ryan Pavlik).
- Minor patch tidies to Xmon and the xserver.
- Xming (Released 30 Sep 2011).
Xming (Released 30 Sep 2011)
- Update the FreeType2 project from its git repository, and the xserver, libX11, libxcb, libXfont, libXi, Mesa, pixman, xauth, xcalc, xdpyinfo, xev, xfontsel, xhost, xkeyboard-config and xwininfo from X.Org git (includes the fix for CVE-2011-2895).
- Fix automatic display-number allocation, in XLaunch, so that it detects and avoids existing XDMCP sessions instead of colliding with them. The original method used function XOpenDisplay() to test for existing xservers that could provide a display for new clients; XDMCP xservers don't do that!
- The %HOME%/Xauthority-c empty lock file, one of a pair that can be used by xauth, was not being deleted in libXau.
- Numerous minor patch tidies and tweaks.
- Xming (Released 6 Aug 2011).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 11 Sep 2011)
- Enable Windows 7 Jump Lists for 'Recent Sessions' via an automatic cache file: jumplist.bin. This mimics Simon's changes in standard PuTTY 0.61, but without use of the registry.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 13 Jul 2011).
Older releases 5
Table of contents
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 17 Jun 2013)
- Xming (Released 12 Jun 2013)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 1 Jun 2013)
- Xming (Released 12 May 2013)
- Xming (Released 31 Mar 2013)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 11 Mar 2013)
- Xming (Released 16 Feb 2013)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 9 Feb 2013)
- Xming (Released 7 Jan 2013)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 5 Jan 2013)
- Xming (Released 4 Dec 2012)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 3 Dec 2012)
- Xming (Released 20 Nov 2012)
- Xming (Released 13 Nov 2012)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 12 Nov 2012)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 12 Oct 2012)
- Xming (Released 12 Oct 2012)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 1 Oct 2012)
- Xming (Released 17 Sep 2012)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 10 Sep 2012)
- Xming (Released 18 Aug 2012)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 18 Aug 2012)
- Xming (Released 1 Aug 2012)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 30 Jul 2012)
- Xming (Released 22 Jul 2012)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 21 Jul 2012)
- Xming (Released 8 Jul 2012)
- Xming (Released 25 Jun 2012)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 24 Jun 2012)
- Xming (Released 29 May 2012)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 29 May 2012)
- Xming (Released 13 May 2012)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 27 Apr 2012)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 24 Apr 2012)
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 15 Apr 2012)
- Xming (Released 14 Apr 2012)
- Xming (Released 25 Mar 2012)
- Xming (Released 12 Feb 2012)
- Xming (Released 13 Jan 2012)
- Xming (Released 12 Dec 2011)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 11 Dec 2011)
- Xming (Released 12 Nov 2011)
- Xming (Released 12 Nov 2011)
- Xming (Released 30 Sep 2011)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 11 Sep 2011)
- Older releases 5

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