Xming (Released 1 Dec 2008)
- Update the FreeType2 and PuTTY projects from their CVS, and xserver, libX11, libXdmcp, pixman, Mesa, setxkbmap, xev, xlsfonts, xprop, xwininfo and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- Add an alternative _NET_WM_ICON to HICON converter for use when not on 32-bit desktop colour quality. Unlike the existing 32-bit converter, that uses a DIB section and lets Windows handle 8-bit alpha, this one creates a DDB image and mask and just tests alpha against a threshold (now set at 31) for full opacity (alpha 32-255) or transparency (0-31). An alpha blend method may be developed in future instead of using a simple threshold. The existing 32-bit converter has also been optimised/simplified for speed. (-multiwindow mode)
part of bugzilla 4491.
- Correct an inconsistency in the z-order position of dialogs between Windows detecting attached multiple monitors or a single monitor. Xming dialogs are now always TOPMOST.
also part of bugzilla 4491.
- Use X.ico in the 'About Xming' dialog instead of X.bmp; looks better and makes the Xming executable smaller.
- Also use X.ico in the 'Exit Xming?' dialog and make the grammar sane for one/many connected clients.
- Link the server with libfontenc-1.dll instead of adding fontenc files to the Xfont static library.
- Xming (Released 15 Nov 2008).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 1 Dec 2008)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- The 'paste from X client to its parent PuTTY console' error with -multiwindow is now fixed
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 12 Nov 2008).
Xming (Released 15 Nov 2008)
- Update the FreeType2 and PuTTY projects from their CVS, and xserver, libX11, libXi, pixman and Mesa from X.Org git. Includes removing the XEvIE extension.
- Correct a serious logic error in the xserver that could cause clients to get unauthorised access.
bugzilla 18524.
- I had a report that the first character typed in a gdm login using XDMCP (RHEL5 server) could go missing. This is now reported as fixed.
- Reduce the size of the url fonts on the 'About Xming' dialog.
- Favour _NET_WM_ICON icons; more work is required on these for all desktop colour qualities. (-multiwindow mode)
- Build using binutils-2.19 and correct some minor errors after updating to bison-2.4 (upgraded later to 2.4.1).
- Xming (Released 3 Nov 2008).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 12 Nov 2008)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 20 Oct 2008).
Xming (Released 3 Nov 2008)
- Update xserver, pixman and Mesa from X.Org git.
- Add new Xmingrc Styles keywords: BOTTOM that opens a Windows window at the bottom of the Z order, and OUTLINE that just puts a thin-border around a titleless Windows window. Also Xmingrc Styles now override window manager (WM) hints. (-multiwindow mode)
- Get nodecorations Motif WM hinted shaped windows to work correctly, e.g. gmplayer, and extend the handling of Motif hints. (-multiwindow mode)
- Apply the ws_caption and ws_sizebox styles to a Windows window later in its creation process to prevent phantom title or frame flashes before hints are applied. This fix is a compromise, as titles can now appear slightly late, but this is not as obvious or as distracting as phantom titles on splash windows etc. (-multiwindow mode)
- More rationalisation of the code associated with applying shaped windows and hints; including reducing the number of system function calls. My standard clients, for quickly re-testing the WM hints code now include acroread, gmplayer (note: the icon bug, which also occurs on KDE/Linux!), kicker and wireshark. (-multiwindow mode)
- Xming (Released 29 Oct 2008).
Xming (Released 26 Oct 2008)
- Update xserver and libX11 from X.Org git.
- Fix a <ctrl> key combination regression with Motif clients (e.g. nedit) that affected versions after
- In -multiwindow mode ensure no-title-bar shaped windows always have no title bar and the correct clipping region. Also rationalise the code associated with applying shaped windows and hints.
Note that Motif WM nodecorations hinted shaped windows will now render badly with this change (this fault is fixed in A workaround is to use a Styles entry in your Xmingrc file e.g. for gmplayerStyles { MPlayer noframe }
- Xming (Frozen for test 23 Oct 2008).
Xming (Frozen for test 23 Oct 2008 and released)
- This was another high change version, so it may exhibit some regression or even a slight loss of stability. It was frozen for testing and has now been released, unchanged. Upgrading to version is recommended but not essential.
- Update xserver, pixman, xprop and Mesa from X.Org git.
- A reported crash starting XDMCP mode with version has been confirmed as fixed.
- Xming (Frozen for test 20 Oct 2008).
Xming (Frozen for test 20 Oct 2008 and withdrawn)
- This was a high change version (as in major moves towards /main/LATEST).
- Update the FreeType2 and PuTTY projects from their CVS, and xserver, libICE, libSM, libX11, libXext, libxtrans, ico, pixman, Mesa and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- Suppress a false-positive error message: 'The operation completed successfully,' that has been seen when checking the return from function BitBlt() in -mwextwm mode .
- Build using MinGW Runtime from its CVS repository as of 18th October 2008.
- Xming (Released 4 Oct 2008).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 20 Oct 2008)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- Add another null-pointer dereference safety trap in Plink for Xming.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 3 Oct 2008).
Xming (Released 4 Oct 2008)
- Update the FreeType2 and PuTTY projects from their CVS, and xserver, libX11, libXi, pixman, Mesa and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git. A black background root window is now standard (option -br); use the new option -retro to revert.
- Fix a possible crash in both Xming's Plink(s) (see change note in portablePuTTY).
- Trivially fix the cursor not appearing at server start mentioned in's change notes below (some updates to xfixes/cursor.c were ignored, until now).
- Allow backslashes in the 'Login as User' field in XLaunch (as in domainname\\username).
- If spaces are part of the Password the Plink command line -pw output created by XLaunch is now quoted.
- Minor tidying of a few Xming patches and manuals following a code review and website revalidation.
- Add some comments/descriptions to the XLaunch schema definition file.
- Mesa component licenses refreshed following SGI's changes in the OpenGL license to satisfy FSF requirements.
- Xming (Released 14 Sep 2008).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 3 Oct 2008)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- I received a report of Xming's enhanced Plink crashing. Analysis of the Dr. Watson log showed a possible null-pointer dereference that is now prevented. This fix has been confirmed by the report originator.
- Ignore an unnecessary 'Unable to load file xxx for reading' error message.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 14 Sep 2008).
Xming (Released 14 Sep 2008)
- Update the FreeType2 and PuTTY projects from their CVS, and xserver, xkbcomp, libX11, pixman, Mesa and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- Repair a long standing keyboard focus problem in -multiwindow mode. X needs one focussed window at all time. Previously when changing keyboard focus from an X window to a pure Windows window the X focus was not altered. With this fix, X focus is reverted to the root window when this Windows focus change is messaged (i.e. via WM_KILLFOCUS), but only if the Windows focus is going to another thread (wParam is NULL).
- Add Windows 2008 Server to the OS versions detected by the log.
- Correct a regression in XLaunch, when using XDMCP -indirect, caused by some needed parentheses in a recent change.
- Add Usage information to the 'Unknown option' error window in XLaunch. Also extend the error title as it can also be triggered by a missing filename.
- In XLaunch unwrap (and discard) the FileRead() function and add 1 to MAX_PATH when allocating file buffers.
- Try to use the %ProgramFiles% variable before GetModuleFileName() to get the path to installed files. This fixes configuration file finding in 64-bit Windows with Xming running in WoW64 and negates the workaround of adding the install directory to the %PATH% variable before running Xming.
- Build using MinGW Runtime at version 3.15 and MinGW API for MS-Windows at version 3.12.
- Xming (Released 2 Sep 2008).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 14 Sep 2008)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- If portable Pageant is used to start PuTTY, start it with the same working directory.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 20 Aug 2008).
Xming (Released 2 Sep 2008)
- Update the FreeType2, PuTTY and Pthreads-Win32 projects from their CVS, and xserver, xkbcomp, libX11, libXau, libXfont and Mesa from X.Org git. Ignore a recent change to xfixes/cursor.c which prevents the cursor appearing at server start.
- Correct an uninitialised use of select() failing to timeout correctly in client ico. Using Sleep() is obviously simpler and avoids the alternative fix of starting WSA.
- Build using binutils from CVS as of 1st September 2008.
- More simple tidying of the Xming-portablePuTTY code.
- Various improvements and corrections to the website and manuals.
- Correct typos in the license.
- Xming (Released 20 Aug 2008).
Xming (Released 20 Aug 2008)
- Update the FreeType2 and PuTTY projects from their CVS, and xserver, setxkbmap, libXaw, libXi, pixman, Mesa and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- Build using the latest *printf() family functions in the MinGW runtime, and updated binutils from CVS as of 31st July 2008. Fix some NULL pointer calls to the *printf() functions.
- Make the View Log and Finder fixed menu items become viewlog and finder menu instructions in an Xmingrc file so that they have flexibility in name and position in X icon menus. These new keywords now have to be explicitly added to an Xmingrc file in order to be usable.
- Tidy up the XLaunch patches now that the compiler has improved.
- Correct the SourceForge Xming project URL in the license.
- Xming (Released 22 Jul 2008).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 20 Aug 2008)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- Correct some silly compilation warnings and tidy up patches now that the compiler has improved.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 22 Jul 2008).
Xming-fonts (Public domain release 8 Aug 2008)
- Update to DejaVue fonts release 2.26.
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 22 Jul 2008).
Xming (Released 22 Jul 2008)
- Update the FreeType2 and PuTTY projects from their CVS, and xserver, libX11, libXtrans, libXaw, libXi, pixman, Mesa and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git. Includes removal of the redundant XTrap extension.
- Build everything with gcc 4.3.0 mingw32 alpha (without using shared versions of libgcc, for now).
- Better compiler, so more warnings and errors have been reported and corrected.
- Provide a Finder (-find) option for XLaunch that can be used to directly XPing the network for all responding XDMCP hosts. This can be used quickly to test for (and connect to) suitable hosts as it only uses one wizard page that automatically uses XPing on entry and allocates a display-number on Finish. Also no configuration file is used/needed by this option.
- Add a Finder option to the Xming system tray icon menu to easily run XPing (using the above change).
- XLaunch is now promoted from just being an optional component in the installer.
- Xming (Released 22 Jun 2008).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 22 Jul 2008)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- Don't depend on PuTTY's Plink code failing and calling usage(), if supplied with no options, use an explicit test.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 3 Jun 2008).
Xming (Released 22 Jun 2008)
- Update the FreeType2 and Pthreads-Win32 projects from their CVS, and xserver, libX11, pixman, Mesa, xdpyinfo, xwininfo and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git. These include security updates CVE-2008-1377, CVE-2008-2360, CVE-2008-2361, CVE-2008-2362.
- Don't register the new XGE extension yet in libXext until the X server code is ready for it. This prevents error: Xlib: extension "Generic Event Extension" missing on display... from spamming local X clients.
- Revert a change to count_bits() in GL/windows/indirect.c, as the original algorithm is quicker.
- Prevent a null-pointer dereference in GL/windows/indirect.c that has always crashed with certain manywin tests.
- Remove a fix for a crash with manywin in winmultiwindowclass.c, introduced in, that has been solved elsewhere (not related to the fix above).
- Re-jig the MinGW toolchain for paths that are in step with gcc version 4.
- Xming (Released 5 Jun 2008).
Xming (Released 5 Jun 2008)
- Update the FreeType2 project from its CVS, and xserver and xkeyboard-config from X.Org git.
- 'xhost +' etc was broken in release Fixed by reverting a git change in os/access.c i.e. a TRUE is not equivalent to Success error!
- Function usleep() is now defined in MinGW and snprintf() has been corrected, so many patches are no longer needed.
- Xming (Released 3 Jun 2008).
Xming (Released 3 Jun 2008 and withdrawn)
- Update the FreeType2 and PuTTY projects from their CVS, and xserver, xkeyboard-config, pixman, libX11, libXext, libXtst and xdpyinfo from X.Org git. The deleted dix/xpstubs have been retained in the Xming X server build as Xfont doesn't yet resolve weakly defined functions (see above).
- Build libXi, for the first time, and include in the installers.
- Modify Pthreads-Win32 to provide some essential null-pointer dereference safety and to use winsock2.
- Cross build versions of opengl32.dll, glu32.dll and glut32.dll from Mesa 7.1 rc1 source using MinGW and put into the Xming installer as an option. When opengl32.dll is in the install directory it will be used by standard Xming instead of Microsoft's version. This build of Mesa opengl includes the X11 driver, uses pthreads and can be used with an external dxtn.dll texture compressor.
- Separately provide a few test demos and samples, as well as the previously supplied xdemos, in mesa-test-clients.zip. Why so many demo gears...
wglinfo & wglgears use Mesa's opengl32.dll or, if not present, Microsoft's version glxinfo & glxgears are linked with Mesa's opengl32.dll and work via X glinfo & gears are linked with Mesa's opengl32.dll and work directly
Mesa's opengl is slower than Microsoft's according to wglgears, but more capable according to wglinfo, this is because Microsoft's works closer to the hardware. - Package Xming-mesa will no longer be supplied. It had Mesa 6.4.1 built-in and should be similar to standard Xming running via a local Mesa 7.1 rc1 opengl32.dll, give-or-take any driver differences which will need sorting out.
- Tidy my patches tree as all libraries are now built separate from the X server using modular sources.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 16 May 2008).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 3 Jun 2008)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 14 Apr 2008).
Xming-fonts (Public domain release 19 May 2008)
- Update to DejaVue fonts release 2.25.
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 10 Mar 2008).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 16 May 2008)
- Update sha1.c from XySSL and localname() from gettext-runtime, plus the FreeType2 and XKB projects from X.Org CVS, and xserver, pixman, xkbcomp, mkfontscale, libICE, libX11, libXfont, libXt, libXmu, libxtrans and libXrender from X.Org git. X.Org have removed the Extended-Visual-Information, MIT-SUNDRY-NONSTANDARD, TOG-CUP and XC-APPGROUP extensions from the server.
- No longer use the buggy rootless acceleration code for the multiwindow external window manager following a similar XQuartz change.
- Use the environment variable %USERPROFILE% to set the search path in libX11 and libXt, instead of /users/%USERNAME%, when %HOME% is not defined.
- Add sharedtex to the ported GLX demos.
- Define HAVE_CBRT and XACE for the build of the server instead of just patching mi/miarc.c and Xext/xace.h. Also remove a redundant minor patch to include/Xmd.h.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 14 Apr 2008).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 14 Apr 2008)
- Backstop menu recursion in Xmingrc which, when the file menus erroneously looped, caused Xming to eat the heap, semi-freeze a machine and force recovery by reboot, even on a Windows Server!
- Facilitate user enabling of stereo visuals in GLX by an environment variable (i.e. 'set GLWIN_ENABLE_STEREO=1').
- Log the version of Pixman during runtime.
- Use rand() not random() in a recent change to dix/main.c. Correct a call on DeleteProperty() to take 3 arguments following a recent change to miext/rootless/rootlessWindow.c. (p.s. these changes are now reverted and so my patches are not needed in
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 20 Mar 2008).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 14 Apr 2008)
- Correct some minor MessageBox() anomalies in Xming's versions of Plink.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 3 Mar 2008).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 20 Mar 2008)
- Fix a server crash, when using memcpy() on normal hints in winmultiwindowclass.c, which sometimes occurred with GLX xdemo program manywin and lots of windows. Now, once in a while, a manywin window doesn't hint its position and a trace is written to the log. Depending on the frequency of this, I may revisit in the future.
- Ensure a newly created window is in the foreground in -multiwindow mode. This was annoying if you started clients from a console, but didn't affect starts via Plink and Xmingrc.
- Express XIO WSA error text in libX11 using FormatMessage() instead of strerror() which doesn't decode socket errors on Microsoft Windows. The stderr message produced is still ANSI as Unicode is not yet defined for libX11.
- Remove an ancient Fixups bodge, for a definition of ATOM collision, from winclipboard.h.
- Rationalise the xhost patches.
- Simplify the FilePath() filter code in XLaunch.
- Build using latest binutils-2.18.50 (18 Mar 2008).
- Build the installers using the new release of
Inno Setup at 5.2.3.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 26 Feb 2008).
Xming-fonts (Public domain release 10 Mar 2008)
- Update to DejaVue fonts release 2.24.
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 20 Jan 2008).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 3 Mar 2008)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 25 Dec 2007).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 26 Feb 2008)
- Fix a dix resource corruption in that was causing some instability.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 24 Feb 2008).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 24 Feb 2008 and withdrawn)
- Make test Windows X clients from the Mesa project with a view to producing latest code dlls for Xming. 15 x GLX and 2 x OpenGL demo clients are available on Website Releases: note glxgears and glxinfo work indirect via libGLcore.dll and X, wglgears and wglinfo work direct via opengl32.dll and Windows. Comparing output, from these pairs, shows the limitations/antiquity of the Windows dll and the higher speed of direct rendering.
- Building support for _NET_WM_STATE hints into -multiwindow mode, some are not compatible with the pop-up Windows style used and I need sensible client test cases for task completion.
- Include Windows ported versions of atobm, bitmap, bmtoa, xfontsel and xmessage in the installer. The remaining few X.Org clients either need POSIX APIs or client-side fonts, or are just not applicable on Windows.
- Find the Network ID for the connection to the queried host in XDMCP mode, use it to try and match an interface address of the server and then send that address first in the Request packet. On a multihomed machine, the first address returned by gethostbyaddress(), and sent in the Request packet, was not necessarily on the network connected to the remote host. The XDMCP protocol allows multiple addresses in the Request packet, but most XDMCP managers (e.g. xdm) just use the first one to try and connect via $DISPLAY and when this fails grey screen instead of trying others. Now register and send all active network addresses, in the Request packet, in an order that favours the queried host's Network ID.
This change simplifies XDMCP usage, and should remove the need to use the -from option, on machines with multiple interfaces (up to 25 match tested). - Correct an error in the memory allocation for the concatenated command line used in error and log messages.
- Close the socket and cleanup before returning from the the chooser in XLaunch. Plus more additions to the socket cleanup on exit in Xmon.
- Use the magic word BROADCAST anyway, in XLaunch's XDMCP host chooser, if the host entry is empty so that XPing always does something obvious.
- Sort out some type clashes with INT32 and BOOL when including both Windows and X headers in various modules.
- There is no longer any need to use X.Org's versions of snprintf and strlcat. MinGW provides an ISO C99 replacement for snprintf and, as it's not used, don't build strlcat into the server.
- Express the Bison grammar rules for Xmingrc menus and styles more elegantly. This has the worthwhile effect of shrinking the generated code.
- Make the logic sane and simpler for the ownership release of the Windows clipboard in winclipboardwrappers.c.
- Build using binutils-2.18.50 (8 Feb 2008) since it has had recent changes/fixes for Windows and windres. Also build using mingw-runtime-3.14 with the patches from MinGW trackers 1875222 and 1889311.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 28 Jan 2008).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 28 Jan 2008)
- Still more fixes following CVE-2007-6429!
- Don't substitute obsolete function '_sleep(msecs)' for sleep(secs), use Sleep(msecs) instead. Correct a silly error in the sleep() substitution in xmodmap.
- Include Windows ported versions of editres, listres and viewres in the installer.
- Editres did not work on Xming X clients due to a conditionals error (missing out some linker semantics) in libXaw and libXt. This also fixes the String to Bitmap conversion error reported in and negates the need for its workaround patch in xcalc and xlogo.
- Install a Xdefaults file in %USERPROFILE% (%HOME% at runtime) containing the normal entry...
#ifdef COLOR *customization: -color #endif
so that Windows X clients use their appropriate Class-color app-defaults colour resource file (i.e. monochrome is just Class without the suffix). Supply standard Class-color and Class files in the installer (note: files XClock and Chooser are custom). - Cleanup the exit states and thread termination in Xmon. Also socket() and accept() are of unsigned type on Windows, so do error checks on them correctly.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 20 Jan 2008).
Xming-fonts (Public domain release 20 Jan 2008)
- Update to DejaVue fonts release 2.23.
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 25 Dec 2007).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 20 Jan 2008)
- Security fixes for CVE-2007-6427, CVE-2007-6428, CVE-2007-6429 and CVE-2008-006 and their follow-on regression fix to Xext/shm.c.
- Port Xmon, a very useful interactive X protocol monitor, to native Windows and include in the installer. The original source code is here (under this license, i.e. not sourced by X.Org), my patches are here and it has this manual.
- Build using binutils-2.18.50 (9 Jan 2008) since it has had recent changes/fixes for Windows and windres.
- Minor code tidy to XLaunch chooser.cc, config.cc and main.cc.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 6 Jan 2008).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 6 Jan 2008)
- Adjust the 'About Xming' dialog to match the website.
- Suppress an annoying FreeFontPath warning message from appearing in the Xming log.
- In XLaunch display the output from remote Xwilling files in the chooser to be consistent with standard xdm functionality.
- In XLaunch trap BROADCAST as not being a valid remote hostname for XDMCP, it's just a keyword for XPing. Also rationalize the header files.
- Build using w32api-3.11, mingw-runtime-3.14, and binutils-2.18.50 (27 Dec 2007).
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 25 Dec 2007).
Xming-fonts (Public domain release 25 Dec 2007)
- Update to DejaVue fonts release 2.22.
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 2 Nov 2007).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 25 Dec 2007)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 28 Nov 2007).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 25 Dec 2007)
- Build an interactive XDMCP host chooser into XLaunch...
- XPing. Hosts are found that reply Willing to sent Queries by using .xlaunch configuration file entries XDMCPHost, Host1-Host10, and any entered host, as the list to XPing. The replies are accumulated, and the chooser re-populated. (Hosts can be in IP address dotted format)
- If host entry BROADCAST is used then BroadcastQuery is sent and all Willing hosts collected from the network.
- Reset. The chooser can be reset to Host1 to Host10 plus any entered/selected host or, if none, XDMCPHost as the chosen host. (The XPing and Reset buttons are mutually exclusive)
- The X.Org X server no longer uses the SecurityPolicy file, so remove it and the XSECURITYPOLICY environment variable.
- Supplying client showrgb no longer makes any sense since the removal of rgb.txt.
- Build using a recent binutils (2.18.50 Dec 12).
- Build the X clients using X.Org's version 3.5.7 of the Xpm library, instead of the defunct original, and supply tools cxpm and sxpm from it.
- Work around an Xt resource String to Bitmap conversion error that prevents the icons for Windows ported xlogo and xcalc being read. (p.s. fixed in
- Tidy some XLaunch compiler warnings and use CBS_SORT with COMBOBOXs.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 12 Dec 2007).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 12 Dec 2007)
- Add pickable host lists in XLaunch and alter the XML schema to suite (tag Host1 to Host10 additions). This is useful in itself and the host list will also be used by the chooser.
- Fix a dialog window error in Xming versions of Plink and simplify Xming/Plink code.
- Add a Windows version of the X clients appres and xkill to the installer. Note that xkill does not work directly in -multiwindow mode so use
>xkill -id <X window id>
where you can get the id with xwininfo. This is useful to kill clients with no Windows titlebar. - Add libWindowsWM-7.dll to the installer.
- Finally get round to sorting out the DDXRingBell() function which isn't needed as bell is handled by winKeybdBell().
- Move the twmrc file (renamed from the traditionally named .twmrc) to the install directory from app-defaults. This is a more sensible location for the file.
- Correct output format errors in xprop caused by MinGW *printf() function family anomalies.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 14 Nov 2007).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 28 Nov 2007)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- Fix a dialog window error in Xming versions of Plink and simplify Xming/Plink code.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 2 Nov 2007).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 14 Nov 2007)
New clipboard design developed via XmingClip- In XmingClip abandon the select() loop (I/O multiplexing via the kernel) in favour of a simpler while loop. The select() loop had to tick every 100mS anyway, while it hibernated in Cygwin/X, loosing the main reason for its use.
- Remove the expedient fix for the paste flood and the wm_delete_window code.
- XmingClip has done its job so will no longer be part of the installers, however it may be used again in the future to develop for different cut and paste objects i.e. extend the clipboard from just simple, compound and Unicode text.
- Put the changes from XmingClip into the main code and build the installers without including XmingClip.exe.
- Changes include X.Org's removal of the obsolete external rgb database, -co option and use of a rgb.txt file.
- Build the installers using the new release of
Inno Setup at 5.2.2.
- Work through and improve clipboard code that was not part of the original XmingClip (xwinclip). Includes discarding the select() loop in winProcessXEventsTimeout() for a while loop, and locking access in winClipboardFlushXEvents() when using it.
- Update the locale finding software to the latest language codes.
- Add libXpm (version 3.4k), libXaw6, libXaw7 and libXrender to the supplied libraries and get the app-defaults (in the Xming install directory) and Xdefaults (in the %HOME% directory) working in libXt (note the renaming of the traditional .Xdefaults file).
- Port the twm window manager; and xcalc, xclock, and xlogo X clients; to Windows built using the libraries above. Include them in the installers with some X resource files and bitmaps. Note that twm uses a twmrc file in the app-defaults directory.
- Prevent a search in C:\usr\lib\X11 for file Xcms.txt and enable it to be found correctly by libX11.
- The Run utility is now supplied stand-alone as it can be used universally on all Windows console applications and is licensed GPLv2.
- Tidy the installer license to be consistent with the website.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 30 Oct 2007).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 2 Nov 2007)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 17 Oct 2007).
Xming-fonts (Public domain release 2 Nov 2007)
- Update to DejaVue fonts release 2.21.
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 24 Sep 2007).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 30 Oct 2007 and withdrawn)
Clipboard- The clipboard should only select events (XSelectInput()) via one mask and do this on the correct window, the messaging window for the clipboard not the root window!
- An addition to the paste flood expedient fix: Discard clipboard SelectionRequest events if there have been possible paste duplicates and the events have the same server timestamp as previously seen.
- Tidy some automatic variables, cache the Atom lookups and free the memory allocated for ReturnData in FlushXEvents().
- Shrink the clipboard messaging window size and increase the granularity of the display locking within the clipboard code.
- When you take ownership of a selection you should always check you got it (X11 ICCCM gospel).
- XmingClip now automatically sets the LANG (see below) and XLOCALEDIR variables, if they are not already set.
- Automatically set the LANG environment variable from the Windows locale, if not already set, and use it as the program locale.
- Update the fix, put in for Windows titles in -multiwindow mode, to work with any locale and Unicode (e.g. I've had confirmation that titles for X clients in Russian are no longer blank).
- Extend the styles by class parsing in Xmingrc for -multiwindow mode so that topmost or maximize or minimize can by used with notitle or noframe i.e. allow two style keywords, one from each group, as well just single keywords...
Styles { oclock noframe topmost xterm notitle }
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 21 Oct 2007).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 21 Oct 2007)
- Following another positive sighting of the dreaded paste flood problem Xming and XmingClip now have an expedient trial fix to the problem which doesn't cure the cause, but attempts to fix its effect (thanks to testing by TrNSZ). The trial fix tests for a paste repeat, and then sends an extra completion message. Also if there are more than ten repeats (a possible runaway) no more pasting is performed until the contents change.
- Revert a recent change in mi/miinitext.c that caused Xming to crash on server shutdown.
- The X.Org X server now has to link with external SHA-1 crypto hash functions. Add mozilla-sha1 code (from git core plumbing with a Mozilla Public license) to the build to meet the requirements of the recent render/glyph.c change. An alternative was to use openssl, which is an overkill when only the SHA-1 library is needed.
- Build Pthreads GC-inlined instead of GC. The inline build should be faster and this is the normal way the pthreads-w32 project build their distribution dlls.
- Remove the extra patches for bugzilla's 5424 and 5491 from the build, as they are not used in it.
- Add the Italian macbook to the known keyboard layouts (as layout 'it', variant 'mac', model 'macbook79'), so that it automatically sets on server startup.
- Build the installers using the new release of
Inno Setup at 5.2.1.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 30 Sep 2007).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 17 Oct 2007)
- Catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 24 Sep 2007).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 30 Sep 2007)
- The adjustment of the size of the Windows window rectangle in -multiwindow mode (WM_SHOWWINDOW handler) should be made after all styles have been decided. This fixes a number of bugs with style settings sometimes causing clients to have incorrect dimensions, e.g. oclock when set noframe via Xmingrc was a vertical oval shape.
- When sizing windows in -multiwindow mode allow for the notitle style not having caption height. This caused client windows set with Xmingrc style notitle to have truncated height, e.g. xterm, set notitle, lost part of its bottom text line after sizing.
- Simplify some code in XLaunch by using conditional expressions and tidy the use of the PSP_HASHELP flag.
- Ensure XLaunch help is provided when a .xlaunch file is not in the install directory.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 25 Sep 2007).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 25 Sep 2007)
- Include the X.Org security advisory (6 Sep 2007) CVE-2007-4730.
- Build using the MinGW gcc compiler configured for the superior DW2 (Dwarf2) exception handler instead of the standard sjlj (setjmp/longjmp) one. This should make all the Xming code faster, but a little larger.
- Update the MinGW toolchain to use binutils-2.18.tar.gz (now sourced directly from FSF).
- Add the fix from
bugzilla 12286 to the extra patches.
- Add a trap for a potential crash in dix/extension.c.
- The mutex trap, for multiple servers on the same display, should mention Cygwin/X which uses the same mutex name as Xming. Plus servers can only go up to display-number 59535 not 65535!
- In XLaunch make the CreateProcess call for Plink and ssh safer by using quotation marks around the path\module-name.exe and explicitly use .exe with the name.
- Make the HtmlHelp() setting code consistent and simple between main.cc, resources.h and XLaunch.chm.
- Remove the obsolete 16-bit DISCARDABLE keyword from all resource files.
- Add Dutch to the known keyboard layouts (as nl), so that it automatically sets on server startup.
- Build the installers using the new release of
Inno Setup at 5.2.0.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 2 Sep 2007).
Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 24 Sep 2007)
- Rationalise some repetitive code in the putty.conf file parsing and catch up with the PuTTY project CVS.
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 6 Aug 2007).
Xming-fonts (Public domain release 24 Sep 2007)
- Update to DejaVue fonts release 2.20.
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 6 Aug 2007).
Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 2 Sep 2007)
- Xming is now built modular, with shared DLLs, where possible.
- Include Xming tools and clients, built modular, in the installer as a selectable component. This supersedes the separate Xming-tools-and-clients package.
- Include XmingClip, an external clipboard alternative to the internal -clipboard option, in the installer as a selectable component. This is the ancestral code from Cygwin/X's xwinclip revived, brought up-to-date and built modular with MinGW purely for debug and test purposes. Start it from Command Prompt with Xming already running without -clipboard
>set XLOCALEDIR=C:\Program Files\Xming\locale >XmingClip -display
and yes, I know, it has the original xwinclip feature of stealing ownership of the X selection and it doesn't work in XDMCP mode. - Ignore some device-independent bitmap size warnings that were only applicable on old Windows platforms.
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 1 Sep 2007).
Older releases 2
Table of contents
- Xming (Released 1 Dec 2008)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 1 Dec 2008)
- Xming (Released 15 Nov 2008)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 12 Nov 2008)
- Xming (Released 3 Nov 2008)
- Xming (Released 26 Oct 2008)
- Xming (Frozen for test 23 Oct 2008)
- Xming (Frozen for test 20 Oct 2008)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Released 20 Oct 2008)
- Xming (Released 4 Oct 2008)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 3 Oct 2008)
- Xming (Released 14 Sep 2008)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 14 Sep 2008)
- Xming (Released 2 Sep 2008)
- Xming (Released 20 Aug 2008)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 20 Aug 2008)
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 8 Aug 2008)
- Xming (Released 22 Jul 2008)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 22 Jul 2008)
- Xming (Released 22 Jun 2008)
- Xming (Released 5 Jun 2008)
- Xming (Released 3 Jun 2008)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 3 Jun 2008)
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 19 May 2008)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 16 May 2008)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 14 Apr 2008)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 14 Apr 2008)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 20 Mar 2008)
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 10 Mar 2008)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 3 Mar 2008)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 26 Feb 2008)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 24 Feb 2008)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 28 Jan 2008)
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 20 Jan 2008)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 20 Jan 2008)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 6 Jan 2008)
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 25 Dec 2007)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 25 Dec 2007)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 25 Dec 2007)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 12 Dec 2007)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 28 Nov 2007)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 14 Nov 2007)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 2 Nov 2007)
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 2 Nov 2007)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 30 Oct 2007)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 21 Oct 2007)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 17 Oct 2007)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 30 Sep 2007)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 25 Sep 2007)
- Xming-portablePuTTY (Public domain release 24 Sep 2007)
- Xming-fonts (Public domain release 24 Sep 2007)
- Xming & Xming-mesa (Released 2 Sep 2007)
- Older releases 2

Copyright © 2005-2025 Colin Harrison All Rights Reserved