Xming (Public domain release 2 Nov 2006)
- Move the location of the invalid usage log to a temporary directory from the install directory and provide a clearer message directing the user to it. The name for the usage log is now Xming.n.log (was Xming.log) where n is the display-number and will therefore default to Xming.0.log. This is then consistent with the normal Xming log.
- Bring the Xming manual up-to-date. Sort and correct the -help usage text.
- Popup the log file for invalid usage, and options -help and -version in a notepad window. This may prevent many silent deadly exits (especially from XLaunch) and will certainly help novices.
- Clean up some of the log messages that are normally hidden (i.e. output before the file log has opened) but are logged on server reset.
Xming (Public domain release 25 Oct 2006)
- Stop a "Clipboard not yet started, aborting" message from spamming the log.
- Make the Xming command line used appear in the log to improve user feedback.
- Transition to Unicode support in the XLaunch resource handling code.
- Use DS_SHELLFONT not DS_SETFONT | DS_FIXEDSYS, WS_POPUPWINDOW not WS_POPUP | WS_SYSMENU and use font "MS Shell Dlg 2" in the XLaunch DIALOGEX property sheets.
- Add the Croatian keyboard layout.
- Drop Windows 2000 support as lack of a suitable test environment is causing Xming to be increasingly incompatible with it (I've had a report of W2k failure with Xming since version
Xming (Public domain release 9 Oct 2006)
- Tune the -multiwindow WM hints code to reduce overheads.
- Change superseded functions GetWindowLong(), SetWindowLong(), RegisterClass() and LoadCursor().
Xming (Public domain release 2 Oct 2006)
- Add the Chinese (Taiwan) keyboard layout.
- Revert a change that prevented conversion of icons from ICCCM WM_HINTS without a mask bitmap. Fixes a problem Ville Mattila had with Xemacs due to lack of icon conversion.
- Remove some insanity in the code for dock window handling in -multiwindow mode.
- Try a fix for the annoying menu/tooltip punch-through problem in -multiwindow mode, where background X Window menus and tooltips appear through foreground windows.
- Modify windows with the noborder hint from MOTIF_WM_HINTS in -multiwindow mode. This is one of the few legacy MWM hints still deemed useful.
Xming (Public domain release 24 Sep 2006)
- Move the location of %HOME% up one directory level to make Xming consistent with Microsoft SFU/SUA. Any Xming specific files, such as Xauthority, Xmingrc and .bash_profile, in the previous directory '%USERPROFILE%\Application Data' will have to be moved up one directory level.
- Override the environment variable %XKEYSYMDB% to avoid a stupid incompatibility with Microsoft SFU/SUA i.e. Xming does not have traditional Linux/Unix file locations like /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/.
- Include Security Advisory CVE-ID: 2006-3739, 2006-3740.
Xming (Public domain release 5 Sep 2006)
- Fix the old bug with -from and XDMCP on a multihomed host (i.e. with multiple NIC's). Enter -from 'IP', using the ip address not the hostname.
Xming (Public domain release 1 Sep 2006)
- Put in some trace for the XDMCP -from multihomed bug.
- Build using binutils-2.17.50-20060824-1.
- Release Xming-tools-and-clients built 27 Aug 2006. Includes xauth.exe for the first time.
- Contains all the changes from following a successful trial.
Xming contains a trial XDMCP patch (Public domain release 25 Aug 2006)
- More adjustment of the XLaunch text field sizes to make space for languages other than English.
- Compress the images in the XLaunch.chm help file.
- Otherwise as but without a stupid flood of keepalive messages with XDMCP (thanks Thomas Rauscher).
Xming contains a trial XDMCP patch (Public domain release 23 Aug 2006)
- Fix a 100% cpu problem that can occur with heavyweight display managers and XDMCP. This is a knock-on effect from
bugzilla 7911, first trialled in Xming, so in xdmcp.c both the block and wakeup handlers are now patched.
Xming (Public domain release 21 Aug 2006)
- Build pthreadGC2.dll using winsock2.h and '-lws2_32'.
- Minor corrections to the XLaunch text strings and adjustment of text field sizes to make space for languages other than English.
- Code corrected so that files Xn.hosts, SecurityPolicy and font-dirs are read from the same directory as Xming.exe, not from the current directory.
- One search for a .XWinrc file remained, replace by Xmingrc. Each user can now have their own Xmingrc file in their %HOME% directory in preference to the one in the Xming install directory.
- Don't search for locale.alias files in directories starting with /usr. This should speed-up Xming/xkbcomp startup.
- Clean up some nonsense with file .Xauthority in a users directory to Xauthority in %HOME%.
Xming (Public domain release 5 Aug 2006)
- Link with library '-lws2_32' instead of '-lwsock32'.
- Minor corrections and additions to the XLaunch Help.
- Contains all the changes following a successful trial.
Xming contains a trial XDMCP patch (Public domain release 31 Jul 2006)
- Let's try another build optimization, -ffast-math, along with -Os.
- Simplify the cross-compiler packages used, directx-devel and opengl-devel are no longer required as better headers are in the w32api package. I now build the MinGW packages for TARGET="i686-mingw32", HOST=i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc, PREFIX=/usr/local/i686-mingw32.
- Build using binutils-2.17.50-20060716-1.
- Release Xming-tools-and-clients built 20 Jul 2006.
- DDXTIME conditional removal from the git xserver blows the clipboard up, revert the appropriate changes.
- Fix a warning in the build of XLaunch.
- Use winsock2 and correct some of the error handling in the network transport.
- There can be annoying keyboard latency with XDMCP and heavyweight display managers, like KDE. Apply a trial patch to the XDMCP state machine. (
bugzilla 7911)
- Ensure that you can never get the 'Open session via XDMCP' button selected with the 'Multiple windows' display setting.
- Retest for the files plink.exe or ssh.exe, after using the file finder, to prevent erroneously escaping the 'Start program' dialog by using Cancel in the finder.
Xming (Public domain release 15 Jul 2006)
- Increase the performance in -multiwindow mode by checking for bogus PAINTSTRUCTs before calling BitBlt in WM_PAINT. A simple trap reduces the number of BitBlts by ~1/3 when painting overlapping windows.
- Following on from above, only BitBlt within the invalid rectangle in -multiwindow WM_PAINT, instead of the whole client area.
- And even better, alter winShadowUpdateGDI to do no unnecessary blitting in -multiwindow mode. (
last 3 in bugzilla 7919)
- Move all the strings from the code to the resources in XLaunch to prepare for internationalisation.
- Provide an administration mode for PuTTY PasswordStart="true" in XLaunch when the username and password are both required to be entered when re-using the same configuration for many users. This is triggered by not having a RemoteHost tag (or empty entry) in the master .xlaunch file by hand editing. The 'Re-enter PuTTY Password' dialog is unchanged by this, but now will only start if tags Program and RemoteHost are populated.
- Sort out the logic for saving XML tags with XDMCP and check tags are populated in -run mode in XLaunch.
Xming (Public domain release 6 Jul 2006)
- Fix crashes when using the DirectDraw -refresh rate-in-Hz option in -fullscreen. On failure (typically 80004001 DDERR_UNSUPPORTED), use the default refresh rate for the driver, instead of the entered value (
bugzilla 11128). Only applies to engines 2 and 4 (Shadow DirectDraw and Shadow DirectDraw 4) in -fullscreen mode. Also fix the underlying flaw in the FatalError handling code. This bug has been in Xming since dot and never spotted until now.
- Build using mingw-runtime-3.10.
- Add extra font directories to the default font path using a font-dirs file in the install directory. Code for font-dirs activated in Xming and include an example font-dirs file in the installers
# font-dirs # comma-separated list of directories to add to the default font path # defaults are misc, TTF, Type1, 75dpi, 100dpi # also allows entries on individual lines C:\Program Files\Xming\fonts\cyrillic,C:\Windows\Fonts
Xming (Public domain release 25 Jun 2006)
- Re-issue the Xming-fonts package, all-in-one, nothing really new here just done to reduce the number of packages, select all fonts from just one installer, and include the latest version of mkfontscale.exe.
- Revert the build back to using static libs as the modular code is not very helpful in producing cross-compiled dlls. This will also make the code more compact and portable. Exporting some modular libs to the monolithic build will now be easier.
- Revert '#define HasSockets' back to NO in mingw.cf as it was bogus and use '-Os' instead of '-O2 -fno-strength-reduce' in the build (and build XLaunch '-Os' instead of '-g').
- Has anyone used XLaunch with an ssh.exe client other that the Cygwin one? There is no reason why it shouldn't work, but I can only test against Cygwin OpenSSH. Alter XLaunch labelling to suit the universal case.
- Add a 'With compression' selection to XLaunch, available when running PuTTY or SSH. Add to the schema and help files.
- Add a 'No Access Control' selection to XLaunch, available when not running SSH X-Forwarding or XDMCP, as a debugging aid or for those who should know better. Add to the schema and help files (the XML schema is now consistently named XLaunch.xsd).
- Use manifests to enable XP style controls for Xming and XLaunch (only effective for XP and Windows 2003 and when themes are enabled). Alter the blue text shade on the 'About Xming' dialog to suite. The addition of manifests shouldn't cause compatibility problems with older Windows versions.
Xming (Public domain release 11 Jun 2006)
Patch a 'round title bar corner background should be transparent not black' problem when a window is first painted in -multiwindow mode (
bugzilla 7280). And yes, I know that shaped X Window windows, e.g. xeyes, don't paint themed title bars correctly.
Improve the clipboard SetClipboardViewer() code handling to make certain all is correct before attempting to join the clipboard chain or setting the next viewer handle (
bugzilla 7281). This second patch to winwinclipboardwndproc.c finally removes the occasional clipboard flakiness which was not fully fixed in version
- Put the Xming version on the 'About Xming' dialog.
- Release Xming-tools-and-clients built with current X.Org CVS and libX11 (5 Jun 2006).
- Track CVS X.Org modular and XKeyboardConfig changes and now follow the git repositories for libX11 and xserver.
Xming (Public domain release 1 Jun 2006)
- Run XLaunch using the MSXML version 4 parser, if possible, in order to facilitate validation with an XML Schema Definition (XSD). Put the XLaunch xsd file in the installers and add canonical namespaces to .xlaunch files.
- Add a -validate option to XLaunch (and right-click Validate to the .xlaunch file type), which not only checks the .xlaunch file is well-formed but that it is valid with respect to the schema. XLaunch will still run if you have MSXML 3, but Validate only works with MSXML 4.
- All .xlaunch boolean tags are now "true" and "false" (was "True" and "False") or they fail validation. Note that old unchanged .xlaunch files will still run XLaunch and will Validate with MSXML version 4 if you edit tags "True"->"true" and "False"->"false" and add namespace tags xmlns="http://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/ XLaunch.xsd" (just right-click Edit to load a .xlaunch file into XLaunch and then 'Save configuration' to correct/add them automatically).
An essential patch (
bugzilla 7121) to fix an occasional repeating clipboard pasting problem that had been reported. The WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD code calls SendMessage() before processing clipboard change. Since the SendMessage() function doesn't return until the receiving window has processed the message it's not surprising things can go wrong. Reverse this code order in WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD and if nesting is detected make a better stab at correction. Leave out the winmultiwindowwndproc.c patch, tried as a fix in version, as it was not effective.
- Track latest CVS X.Org modular and XKeyboardConfig changes (now equivalent to >X11R7.1).
Xming (Public domain release 17 May 2006)
Two experimental patches are in this release for proving/testing. Beef up protection for bad handles in the WM_PAINT code in winmultiwindowwndproc.c (I've had a report of a repeating 'winTopLevelWindowProc - BitBlt failed: The handle is invalid.' logging along with repeating clipboard pasting to xterms) and Tom Whittock's -multimonitor
patch (
bugzilla 7120).
- When reusing a .xlaunch config file that had the PasswordStart tag set, go straight to the PuTTY password entry dialog and then Finish. This saves having to go through the whole wizard just to re-enter a password in -run mode, (thanks to patches from Marco Lusini).
- Make example_Xmingrc more realistic and extend my demonstration of uses for the Xmingrc file.
- 'About...' changed to 'About Xming' on the X toolbar icon menu.
- Don't overwrite the X0.hosts file on Xming re-install.
- Patch from critical bugzilla 6827 to fbcompose.c.
- Improvements to the XLaunch context sensitive help file.
- Track CVS X.Org modular and XKeyboardConfig changes (includes the security advisory CVE-2006-1526).
Xming (Public domain release 3 May 2006)
- Install the absolute minimum bitmap fonts with the Xming installers. These will not overwrite/uninstall any files from the Xming-fonts installer and the files are correctly replaced by the Xming-fonts installer. This removes the need to use a remote font server or install Xming-fonts if you only display modern X applications that use client-side fonts.
- Clarify some text on the 'Start Program' dialog in XLaunch.
- Bump the version to and make this consistent throughout. I will now increment the X.Org snapshot number for my releases instead of using the date, this then maps easily to file version marking using the Microsoft '3 dot' convention.
- Adjust the URL's on the 'About Xming' dialog to use more of this website and tweak the dialog image size. Also fixes a multiple instance problem.
- Various improvements to the XLaunch help file.
- Correct the tooltip text for the toolbar X icon to be strictly correct, 'display-number:screen' should be ':display-number.screen'. Make a similar change to the default window title.
- Remove a 'NetIcon To WinBitmap' message, and many GLWIN_DEBUG messages that are spamming the log.
- Build with MinGW packages updated to w32api-3.7, gcc-g++-3.4.5-20060117-1, gcc-core-3.4.5-20060117-1, binutils-2.16.91-20060119-1.
- More updates to track modular X.Org CVS and XKeyboardConfig changes. Includes a depth 4 at 8bpp fix from bugzilla 6325.
- Xming-tools-and-clients package put on SourceForge, includes ico, oclock, setxkbmap, showrgb, xdpyinfo, xev, xeyes, xhost, xlsatoms, xlsclients, xlsfonts, xmodmap, xprop, xset, xsetroot, xwininfo. You may find the highlighted ones welcome additions to Xming.
Xming (Public domain release 2006-04-12)
- Update source tree to latest xkb code from modular lib and xserver. This provides better tracing of keyboard mapping among other improvements.
- Build the keyboard configuration database from the xkeyboard-config project on freedesktop.org CVS. This creates a new xkb tree for the installation replacing the X.Org one and obsoletes my extra patches of the programs/xkbcomp data source (i.e. bugzillas 5012, 5077, 5078, 5444, 5489, 5848, 5981 are no longer applied).
- Add context help to XLaunch using a chm file. Include the XLaunch.chm file in the installers.
- Correct a minor logic error in the save configuration code of XLaunch.
- Include the Estonian keyboard, ee, in the known layouts.
- Synchronize as much of the xc tree with CVS modular as possible, excludes miext/shadow and GL/glx which break the build.
Xming (Public domain release 2006-03-28)
- Force ssh protocol when using Plink in XLaunch.
- Don't crash if the msxml schema is incorrect for XLaunch.
- Correct -logfile default name and remove reference to xwinclip in -help file.
In -multiwindow mode make windows of type _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DOCK frameless and topmost. KDE's kicker is a good example of this type of window which could, for example, be placed at the top of the desktop (Position=2 in kickerrc file).
Without frames, moving a dock window is fiddly and I haven't found an easy way to remove its taskbar icon.
-multiwindow mode should probably handle many other extended window manager hints (EWMH)? - Update to fbmmx.c 1.23, mivaltree.c 1.8, cw.c 1.26, damageext.c 1.7, region.c 1.8, fserve.c 1.9, xkbcomp/rules/xorg 1.5 (+ evdev keymap and keycodes), randr.c 1.10, randrstr.h 1.7, record.c 1.6, set.c 1.6, cw_ops.c 1.10, cw_render.c 1.15, damage.c 1.22, xkb.c 1.7, xkb.h 1.3, xkbInit.c 1.13, xkbUtils.c 1.7, CrGlCur.c 1.4, WaitFor.c 1.13, oscolor.c 1.8, oscolor.h 1.1, osdep.h 1.9, osinit.c 1.8, utils.c 1.25, xalloc.c 1.8, log.c 1.7, access.c 1.15, os/connection.c 1.12, os/xdmauth.c 1.8, io.c 1.9, maprules.c 1.6, dbe.c 1.7, midbe.c 1.8, xtrapddmi.c 1.7, xtrapdi.c 1.7, xtrapdiswp.c 1.6, xtrapditbl.c 1.6, Xserver/include/os.h 1.10, renderedge.c 1.5, render.c 1.13, mirect.c 1.6, mipict.c 1.12, miglyph.c 1.8, filter.c 1.12, panoramiX.c 1.11, security.c 1.6, xevie.c 1.12, devices.c 1.10, events.c 1.19, window.c 1.15, mioverlay.c 1.6, miarc.c 1.8, regionstr.h 1.8, scrnintstr.h 1.8, miscrinit.c 1.8.
- Update to composite version 0.3 and xfixes version 4.0 which consist of composite.h 1.3, compositeproto.h 1.3, xfixesproto.h 1.5 xfixeswire.h 1.5, Xcomposite.h 1.6, Xcomposite.c 1.3, xcompositeint.h 1.4, Xfixes.h 1.4, Xfixes/Cursor.c 1.4, compalloc.c 1.9, compext.c 1.6, compinit.c 1.10, compint.h 1.9, compwindow.c 1.12, xfixes/cursor.c 1.7, xfixes.c 1.9, xfixesint.h 1.8.
Xming (Public domain release 2006-03-10)
- Make the save configuration 'Include PuTTY Password as insecure clear text' option in XLaunch only available when appropriate.
- Beef up XLaunch command line error handling and provide some better wizard bitmaps.
- Put an option for creating a Quick Launch icon for XLaunch in the installers.
- Update to winmultiwindowicons.c 1.6, winwin32rootlesswindow.c 1.7, winmultiwindowwndproc.c 1.7, winwndproc.c 1.13, winprefs.c 1.7 and remove patches that did the same, i.e. no overall change (bugzillas 5138, 4538, 4341).
- Update to picture.c version 1.30, cw.h version 1.15 (bugzilla 6191), xf86fbman.c version 1.7 (bugzilla 6150). Patch rensize.c (bugzilla 3050).
- Add a 'View Log' item to the X toolbar menu. This uses notepad to snapshot the X server log.
The simple host-based access control via Xn.hosts files (where n is the display-number of the X server) works from the install directory with a simple patch to Xserver/os/access.c (
bugzilla 7302). This is a safer alternative to using the disable access control -ac option but allows anyone on an enabled host to display a client. Put a sample X0.hosts file in the installers.
If explorer crashes and restarts, the Xming tray icon doesn't get put back (reported by Brian A. Reiter, a winwndproc.c patch reversion fixes).
To reproduce 'taskkill /f /im explorer.exe && start explorer.exe' in Command Prompt when Xming is running with the tray option.
Xming (Public domain release 2006-02-26)
- Update xkb and locale directory trees to incorporate bugzillas 5848 (print keysym fault), 5012 (Greek keyboard load error), 5575 (Serbian locale update from sr_YU to sr_CS), 5078 (group shifts toggle patch), 5981 (missing Euro sign etc. in Polish basic layout) and 5077 (Czech xkbdata fix). Includes changes for the US-international and DE keyboard, that got missed from recent installers by mistake.
- Fix mingw.cf so that the X server security policy file is read from the install directory (was ignored unless -sp 'filename' used). Installers include the default SecurityPolicy file.
- Render with picture.c version 1.27. Update to fbbits.h version 1.6, bugzilla 5595. New function in XlibInt.c version 1.8.
- Upstream patch for render2swap.c, bugzillas 5978, 5911 (missing code, big-endian client crash).
- Detect the environment variable SSH_AGENT_PID, if running SSH from XLaunch, to avoid the need for a Command Prompt console.
- Put an option for creating a desktop shortcut to XLaunch in the installers.
- Increase field sizes for program, host, user and password in XLaunch.
- The PuTTY Password entry is not saved to the .xlaunch XML file by default, for security. XLaunch coded to add a tag PasswordStart="True" to the file, when a Password had been entered, so that on reuse a warning can be issued prior to the wizard starting.
- Override option for insecure clear text PuTTY Password saving to .xlaunch files added to 'Finish configuration' dialog.
- Saving of XML tags to .xlaunch made sane i.e. dependent on the client mode and client start selected.
- Include the Slovenian keyboard, si, in the known layouts and fix Xming log file message (thanks Jernej Simoncic).
Xming (Public domain release 2006-02-09)
Incorporate the patch from
bugzilla 5735. This fixes a serious flaw in clipboard pasting from X to Windows apps.
- Include the Polish keyboard layout pl.
- Correct the URL in the Start Menu Folder and use the latest Inno Setup compiler.
- Update the readme-about-fonts file to refer to SourceForge for downloads to take some load off my server.
Xming (Public domain release 2006-01-19)
Rollup to latest xorg/'modular', with all tree changes, since 21st December 2005, fully synchronised into frozen monolith xorg/xc (bar glx changes)
xorg/xc monolith is still being used as the xorg/server modular tree is badly broken for glx (not just for us), see bugzilla 2996. - The emulate wheel button fix for mouse.c from bugzilla 5071 was essential for me.
- Built with latest MinGW packages gcc-3.4.5 and w32api-3.6.
- XLaunch no longer saves empty XML tags to .xlaunch.
- Xclient menu selection extended to 10 items in .xlaunch files (i.e. tags Program1="a" to Program10="j") and associated code rationalised.
Xming (Public domain release 2006-01-08)
- Missing code in GL/windows compared to xf86glx.c, remove debug messages, make the source sane, especially visual configs.
- Bugzilla fixes for US-international and DE keyboard codes.
- Various tools made available on this site, so play with your fonts, for example!
Xming (2005-12-21)
A new X.ico has been incorporated, optimized for Windows XP, made using X.Org logo.
With a full set of transparent icons sufficient for all Windows versions.
48x48, 32x32, 16x16 in three colour depths 32bit + Alpha, 8bit, 4bit (9 in total). - Removal of the X-boxed.ico from the Xming.exe binary, as it's not very good, or useful, and adds bloat.
- Update the locale directory to the latest CVS (was still Alexander's version).
Modification of the Password entry in XLaunch 'Run Remote...Using PuTTY' so that with no password,
e.g. when using Pageant, the correct Plink command is issued. - Addition of the -noicons option to the usage log.
Xming (2005-12-13)
- Review of URL's selected from the 'About Xming' dialog.
- Lots of cosmetic changes to XLaunch, rewording of dialogs + title icon and header image added.
- XLaunch program selector made customizable via XML tags in .xlaunch files (was hardwired!).
- XLaunch file handling made sane, so 'Run Remote' no longer needs 'Path to binary' entry field to plink.exe or ssh.exe.
- XLaunch start options -load and -run now check for .xlaunch file existence.
Xming 20051209
1) Lot of changes to XLaunch, client launching:-'Start a program' altered to use Local clients, or Remote clients via PuTTY or OpenSSH,
PuTTY is run without a Command Prompt console, as the password can be entered in advance,
OpenSSH is run with a Command Prompt console, as the password is entered interactive.
The commands run by 'Start program on remote computer.' are:- 'plink -X -pw "password" "user@computer" "program"' or 'ssh -Y "user@computer" "program"' so try these by hand, from Command Prompt, if you have problems.
If your need to enter a PATH to your binaries: an entry field has been provided, where all paths must double back-slashed.
Various client dialog fields made larger and a PuTTY password field added.
Font Server entry field added, and XML tag handling, to/from .launch files, altered to match all changes.
2) Release of an alternative Mesa render version (much slower, but renders more clients).
Xming 20051203
1) Cleanup of crashes in the 'Start a Program' of XLaunch (during error/termination). WaitForServer made to work correctly using DISPLAY.2) Reversion of the icon code xalloc->malloc changes, no evidence that the change helped fix Øyvind Harboe's crash. -noicons option retained.
Xming 20051201
1) Error window for command errors from the Xmingrc file, title name correction.2) .xlaunch file's default XML made more sensible.
3) XLaunch 'Additional parameters for Xming' dialog entry made scrollable.
4) XLaunch 'Connect to host' dialog entry made twice as wide.
Xming 20051129
1) Error window for command errors from the Xmingrc file has been made more intelligible.2) New option -noicons added to the start up of Xming. Disables conversion of X icons in -multiwindow mode. The default is nochange, icons converted, and displayed on the taskbar etc.
This has been put in:-
a) because of an occasional flake in miGetImage (as usual I haven't seen it :)).
b) this will speed up the server when lots of Windows are popping.
c) New work to be done on icons may affect pre XP/Windows 2003 systems, bugzilla 4491.
The option will be removed when and if the flakiness is traced and fixed.
3) An extra option has been added to Xmingrc (and the example_Xmingrc file updated)
execd creates a process with a Command Prompt console.
The previous behaviour of exec remains unchanged (no Command Prompt console.
When trying out a command for the first time try execd first, if you get an annoying console or a console startup flash use exec.
The use of exec and execd is by definition insecure, so secure access to your Xmingrc file.
Xming 20051124
1) Includes a patch for Xprintf() to make it, and therefore keyboard mapping, work on Windows 2000.2) CVS rolled up-to-date and the xkb directory made current in the installation (was Alex's last version).
Xming 20051120
1) Check result of LookupIDByType() call for null...(thanks Vassili Bourdo).2) Protection for bad calls to Win32System in xkb/ddx (thanks to tracing by Øyvind Harboe).
Xming 20051119
1) Relocation of xkbcomp.exe to the base directory from sub-directory xkb.2) Bugzilla 4578 https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4578 has been applied to CVS.
Xming 20051118
1) Fix for the accumulating xkb_* files.2) Installer changed to give a readme about the need for fonts, somewhere.
3) Installer changed to offer an option of associating .xlaunch files with XLaunch.exe, if you choose to install XLaunch.
Xming & Xming-fonts 20051117
If you don't have a font server: install the Xming-fonts package as well as the Xming package.I split the fonts out from the Xming installers since:-
a) they don't change very often
b) I don't use them :)
c) high footprint and download overhead, the size of the Xming-font package is ~8M, the size of the Xming package ~2M.
Install both packages to the same directory (i.e. say Yes when asked: The folder: C:\Program Files\Xming already exists. Wold you like to install to that folder anyway?)
Two minor bug fixes to Xming since the Overlay release of 20051116:-
1) Reversion of the log file to the original overriding behaviour (no rotation to .old).
2) Fix for the missing Xorg logo in the About dialog.
Overlay Xming 20051116
Fixes for Xorg bugzilla's:-4538 Mouse up release https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4538
4578 Use shared libraries https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4578
4341 Make the toolbar icon menu customization work https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4341
4247 Access to freed memory in argb cursor code on server exit https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4247
4465 Convolution parameters are not converted from XFixed in fbcompose.c https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4465
4491 Misaligned icon data creates bad background masks https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4491
5049 Xming fails to use xkb https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=5049
A fix for the disappearing hardware cursor bug (this time completely retaining the software cursor functionality).
Latest Pthreads version GC2
XLaunch.exe for version 3 MSXML (if you can use version 4, don't overlay the original)
Xming built without a Command Prompt console using OpenGL.
Overlay Xming 20051110
Fixes for Xorg bugzilla's 4538 4578 4341 4247 4465 4491Hardware only cursor (fixes the disappearing cursor bug)
Pthreads GC2
XLaunch.exe for version 3 MSXML (if you can use version 4, don't overlay)
Xming built without console with OpenGL (not mesa).
Table of contents
- Xming (Public domain release 2 Nov 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 25 Oct 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 9 Oct 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 2 Oct 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 24 Sep 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 5 Sep 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 1 Sep 2006)
- Xming contains a trial XDMCP patch (Public domain release 25 Aug 2006)
- Xming contains a trial XDMCP patch (Public domain release 23 Aug 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 21 Aug 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 5 Aug 2006)
- Xming contains a trial XDMCP patch (Public domain release 31 Jul 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 15 Jul 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 6 Jul 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 25 Jun 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 11 Jun 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 1 Jun 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 17 May 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 3 May 2006)
- Xming (Public domain release 2006-04-12)
- Xming (Public domain release 2006-03-28)
- Xming (Public domain release 2006-03-10)
- Xming (Public domain release 2006-02-26)
- Xming (Public domain release 2006-02-09)
- Xming (Public domain release 2006-01-19)
- Xming (Public domain release 2006-01-08)
- Xming (2005-12-21)
- Xming (2005-12-13)
- Xming 20051209
- Xming 20051203
- Xming 20051201
- Xming 20051129
- Xming 20051124
- Xming 20051120
- Xming 20051119
- Xming 20051118
- Xming & Xming-fonts 20051117
- Overlay Xming 20051116
- Overlay Xming 20051110

Copyright © 2005-2025 Colin Harrison All Rights Reserved